Monday 8 October 2012


This documentary tells us about an Ex-Soviet Soldier who went for war in Afghanistan and never returned back to his motherland. He was in Afghanistan for more than 25 years. And he remembers the day from 1983 like it happened yesterday, counting the height of soviet war in Afghanistan and USSR that brought a communist rule to power, provided it by means of economic and military support. He fought from the soviet side but later than that he was captured under the Mujahedeen captivity. Now he lives in Afghanistan along with his wife and 4 children. This documentary also informs his return to the motherland after more than 25 years.
This is the exclusive story of Gennady Nikmamat, a former Soviet combatant who was captured by the Mujahedeen all through the Soviet war in Afghanistan. He was taken as a conspirator and was bound to return to his homeland. He was also charged with punishment if he returns back. So he had no option but to continue living in Afghanistan and accept a Muslim way of life. 
Gennady-Nikmamat was missing from his home for nearly 30 years. In 1983 Gennady-Nikmamat was drafted into the Soviet Army and sent to Afghanistan. In 1983, Gennady left his unit with no permission, he claimed that he was drunk and just wanted to see people praying in a local Mosque, suddenly, the Mujahedeen came and put a bag over his head and knocked him down. The Mujahedeen captain gave him a Muslim name Nikmamat. Gennady-Nikmamat married an Afghan lady, had two sons and two daughters with her and lived a happy life, but the idea of returning home on one day never neglected him.
Now he can't make a choice for himself whether it was better that he survives or if he should have finished up just another unidentified soldier lost in the havoc of war. This documentary raises a question on, is this man a traitor to his motherland, or only a victim of circumstances?

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